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Buy Guide

  1. Visit https://buy.wosign.com/free/?lan=en to enter the request page.
  2. Type your domain in the blank. For Free SSL Certificate, it support 5 domain names for 2 years period; if you need more domains support, then each domain will be charged US$1.99 per year.
  3. Choose the requirement of your order, including period, language of the certificate chain and algorithm. Create an account of wosign and enter the password and authentication code.
  4. If you apply a charge certificate, you need to finish the payment first then do the domain verification. You can pay the order on PayPal.
  5. Do the Domain verification. Clink the Domain control verification, you can choose the method Domain Control verification or Website Contorl verfication.
  6. You can choose generate the CSR by the system or by yourselves. Please remember the password, you will extract the zip file by using this password.
  7. Download the zip file of the certificate.