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Acer online shop was hacked, leading to data breach of 34000 clients

If you are an Acer user or have once purchased their products using credit cards or debit card online, you need to start to worry because Acer revealed their server has been damaged. Hackers stole personal information and credit card information of 34000 clients.

Electronics giant Acer told the chief procurator general of California their system has been broken in by hackers. These hackers managed to steal name, address and credit card information of about 34000 clients. This attack occurred in between May 12th 2015 to April 28th 2016. The attacked user accounts are located in America, Canada and Porto Rico.

Here is the security notice of Acer:” we recently found out a security problem with part of our clients’ information being influenced. These clients have conducted transactions using our e-commerce websites in between the period of May 12th 2015 to April 28th 2016, which led to unauthorized access by third party. We have confirmed your information might be influenced including your name, address, credit card number, effective date and three-digit security code. We didn’t ask users to provide social security number. Up to now, there is no evidence showing user’s password and login credentials are affected.”

This is the first American computer brand of large scale having data breach in their online shop. Acer has neither published the identity of hackers nor explained how hackers have stolen the data. According to a report, data breach may be caused by infected email in the system.

Acer has recently held an activity presenting laptops and desktop computers of new models. This has caused some worry of customers who had bought computers before April 28th.

Article source: 360 security broadcast